My Blog (page 1 of 3)
The video games that made us
Like me, some of the most prominent, successful, and forward-thinking SEOs and digital marketers in the world are huge gamer geeks. Games shaped how we think, and how we work. These are the video games that made us.
Airport resilience
How resilient is your brand, if you're silently, invisibly, and immeasurably failing your audience? You'll never know, because all you'll see is decreasing reach, increasing costs of acquisition, and your competitors eating your lunch.
WordPress vs WordPress
There’s been a lot of drama in the WordPress community this week, as people are questioning the relationship of and in Google’s search results.
With great power comes great responsibility
From today, I’m taking on additional responsibility at Yoast. We’re recognising that with a new job title – I’ll now be Head of SEO.
Silence is golden; security vs SEO?
One of WordPress' most basic security features creates a tricky SEO challenge. Empty files designed to protect against directory traversal leave behind dozens of dead end and headaches.
The agency triangle
Most conventional businesses are subject to the laws of the project management triangle. But agencies and consultants have an extra challenge.
Google have to improve their structured data reporting
Google's structured data reports are increasingly confusing, misleading, and are going to become worse over time.
Tackling toxic profile spam on
I've discovered something rotten at the core of the website, which is poisoning the whole web.