Conjecture (page 1 of 2)
Airport resilience
How resilient is your brand, if you're silently, invisibly, and immeasurably failing your audience? You'll never know, because all you'll see is decreasing reach, increasing costs of acquisition, and your competitors eating your lunch.
The agency triangle
Most conventional businesses are subject to the laws of the project management triangle. But agencies and consultants have an extra challenge.
Google have to improve their structured data reporting
Google's structured data reports are increasingly confusing, misleading, and are going to become worse over time.
How to do SEO in the year 20xx
It's the same as it's always been. You need to try harder. To do better. To improve everything about your business.
Digital Marketing is dead: survival tips for what comes next (Part 1)
In a world where customers neither want nor need to visit your website - when they can find what they want elsewhere - what happens next?
Blurring the Line Between CDN and CMS
Cloudflare's new "Workers" product provides the ability to write arbitrary JavaScript, which executes between the request and response.
Why SEO agencies need to focus on expertise, not execution
Does outsourcing SEO to agencies work any more? Did it ever? What should they be doing for their money, exactly? Times are changing.
There’s no such thing as a Site Migration
Businesses 'migrate' websites and platforms all the time. But what does that mean, exactly? And, why does it always go so wrong? We need better, more consistent, terminology.