Conjecture (page 4 of 4)

What the Walking Dead taught me about the future of consumer loyalty

In a world of unlimited options but limited differentiation, brands will need to learn to stand out from the crowd.


26th March, 2017

The analytics challenges of tomorrow…

As the complexity of data collection, storage and processing decreases, analysts will need to shift their focus to answering business questions - and training machines to help them do so.


3rd March, 2017

Think you survived Mobilegeddon? Think again.

'Mobilegeddon' is part of a larger question around how well you serve your audience what they want or need, in a format that is suitable to their context.


26th April, 2015

Help! My developer won’t implement / wants to remove / objects to my redirects.

There's always huge reluctance from the IT/developer community to implement, support or maintain 'bulky' redirect lists. But they're critical.


11th December, 2014

The golden age of SEO?

I think that our industry is the best that it's ever been, but, perhaps, also the best that it'll ever be. Is it only downhill from here?


27th April, 2014

Letting go of yesterday

In advertising and marketing, campaign performance - and by extension, success - is almost universally measured in the context of comparison to previous campaigns.


18th September, 2013

See, Think, Don’t: A response to Avinash’s marketing framework

The age of the entrepreneur which we're so desperately trying to live in depends on a much higher level of thinking and behaviour than our short-sightedness generally allows for.


22nd July, 2013

Advanced PDF tracking

The more effectively your PDFs are promoted, exposed, shared and consumed, the less you know about it.


17th February, 2013